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En OCCMundial 80% de las vacantes solicitan conocimientos avanzados de inglés, sin embargo, solo 20% de los profesionistas cubre el requisito. Conoce 10 carreras que lo están pidiendo. Puedes ser muy talentoso o talentosa en tu área, pero si no eres capaz de comunicarte en otro idioma, estás en una seria desventaja frente a…
Y hoy te quiero hablar de este articulo de Andy Bailey, es un amigo y un coach que vive en Nashville, TN y me gusto mucho el articulo, porque para mi ha sido una cosa difícil en mi vida, y es realmente tu balance entre tu trabajo y tu vida personal. Soy emprendedor hace 15…
Un ambiente laboral pesado puede afectar tu productividad y tu autoestima. Identifica en este artículo los signos más comunes de una centro de trabajo tóxico ¡Sigue leyendo! Lidiar con un colega difícil en el trabajo puede ser algo cotidiano para la mayoría de los trabajadores, sin embargo, cuando el problema de raíz está en la…
¿Dónde y cuándo nos enseñan a redactar un buen Currículum Vitae? Para la mayoría de las personas hacer un CV es un proceso confuso y detestable. La razón principal es que NO tenemos los conocimientos necesarios para hacerlo ¿Qué hacer? Nuestra referencia son los consejos de padres, amigos, colegas e internet. La buena noticia…
People aren’t always the most truthful in interviews. When you really want to land the job, it can be easy to exaggerate, or stretch the truth a little bit. You’re in the hot seat and the pressure is on – you’re willing to do whatever it takes to beat out the other job candidates. It’s…
There’s a big mistake that 99% of employees are making and they don’t even know it. This mistake is being made primarily by people who are new in their career, but it’s also being made by veterans who see the writing on the wall but are ignoring the signs and symptoms. The big mistake is…
In order to have a productive career discussion with your manager, it is important for you to prepare and think through some key items ahead of time. You want to be in full control of your career path and the best way to do that is to approach your manager with confidence and conviction around…
Most people are unaware of seemingly subtle points in their resume that scream out certain things to employers. What may seem vague and somewhat insignificant to you usually is one of the first things that an employer looks for when evaluating candidates. Employers are evaluating resumes and looking to see what you’ve done to keep…
A job interview can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially when you have been removed from the job market for an extended period of time. It is one thing to sell on paper with the resume and another thing to sell in person at the interview. Regardless of whether you have been out of a job…
Performance reviews get a bad rap in many organizations. They are often viewed as labor intensive or just a rote drill that is virtually meaningless to the employee and/or the manager. However, a performance review can be a valuable exercise for both the employee and the manager if it’s conducted effectively. If you follow these…
If you’ve been out of work for a while, you may decide what you need is a career change. The success of that approach depends on your answers to five important questions. First, are you considering a change because you do not like your current work situation? It may make more sense to look for…
You’ve probably heard it a million times: Personal branding is important to the success of a job search. Why is it so important? Because as a unique job seeker, it helps define you as an individual and makes you stand out as a prime candidate. Must-Try Personal Branding Techniques There are aspects of your background…
Y vean que bonito lugar, me regreso por acá, para que vean el muelle que estoy y luego por allá se ve la ciudad un poco, me encuentro en la ciudad de Naples, Florida, es la costa Oeste digamos de la parte baja, estamos a la altura de Miami, pero en la costa Oeste y…
Negotiating is an art, no doubt. Done correctly it will lead to victory. Done poorly it could lead to failure. When it comes to negotiating salary and other benefits in the workplace, nothing makes people more uncomfortable. He who talks money first loses, as they say. Why? Well, it’s because the minute you reference your…
Working women with families: Are you getting what you deserve at work? I once responded to a concern from a woman who worked for a government agency. She reported winning several awards a year, but not being promoted because she has special needs children. “The employer felt [her] ‘family responsibilities’ might interfere with [her] ability…
In my recruitment job, I’ve noticed that one of the most common reasons for candidates getting rejected after their interviews is that they don’t provide enough relevant, tangible examples of what they’ve done in their current/previous job that would be relevant to the position they are applying for. When you’re looking for a new job,…
Let’s face a painful truth: Most of us are totally ineffective when lining up our personal cheering sections during a job search. This can include anything from failing to inform or keep references up-to-date on your current status to asking for letters of recommendation in a panic due to a prospective employer’s request during an…
While qualifications, resumes, and cover letters make a huge difference in whether you’ll be hired, your attitude also matters. If you’re getting tired of looking for jobs, your positive demeanor could turn negative in the wrong environment (i.e., the interview). You need to keep your job search moving. To maintain a positive attitude, it’s a…
As a recruiter, I use LinkedIn to find candidates for most of my open positions. Related: 5 LinkedIn Mistakes That Are Hurting Your Job Search If you are a job seeker and want to get found by recruiters on LinkedIn, you obviously need to have a strong LinkedIn profile, and you need to know about…
Of all the sections in a resume, the Resume Profile, or Profile Summary, is the only section everyone will read. This is where you need to create a Value Proposition that distinguishes you versus the other 300 people applying for the same job. Your Resume Profile should give a quick overview of what you have…
Had a call for a group or panel interview recently? While you might be thrilled to make it to this stage of the hiring process, the mere thought of fielding not one, but a whole team of interviewers can be enough to put your stomach in knots. However, the reason most employers conduct panel interviews…
Discussing salary ahead of receiving a job offer can come with risks, but in some situations, you can’t avoid it – especially when it’s the employer who’s asking for it when you apply. The concern with bringing up salary is that the number you pull out may be too low or too high from what…
It’s a typical story for many job seekers. You apply for a bunch of jobs. You get some interviews, but can’t understand why you aren’t hearing back from so many of these companies. Whether it’s to actually get a job interview or to be called back for a second interview, oftentimes, you may come to…
Quite simply, proper office etiquette refers to an unwritten code employees should follow in order to be successful in the workplace. It’s a set of norms widely accepted as appropriate behavior. Office etiquette may include having good manners and being courteous of others, as well as using workplace technology in a suitable manner. Here are a…
It’s perfectly normal to be a little anxious when you’re preparing for a job interview. In fact, many people rank interviewing for a new job with other nerve-wracking activities like public speaking and going to the dentist. There’s a lot riding on your interview performance, so it’s understandable to feel this way. However, there are…
If you’re like me, all you want to do after a long day at work is kick off your heels, grab some greasy Chinese food, and slip into your favorite sweatpants. It is, after all, your “you” time, and you should spend it relaxing and doing “you” things (like catching up on House of Cards…
Through the process of working with and coaching all levels of leaders, I’ve discovered some consistencies in qualities that distinguish those who are high potential and emerging talent. These are not only the qualities I actually see in these individuals, but also the qualities senior leaders speak of when they look for new leaders. These…
Throughout my career in HR, I have seen more people leave their current job for the wrong reasons rather than stay for the right ones. Personal career management is a continuous process, sometimes misconstrued as a series of independent events. The risk of adopting an “event management” approach is that it can lead to disjointed…
Skimming – that’s what hiring managers are doing when they are going through resumes. There’s no time to read word-for-word when there are hundreds of resumes coming in for that one position, so they skim for key information. In fact, studies show that they spend about eight seconds scanning your resume. If you want a…
La red social para profesionistas ha identificado cuáles son los términos más usados por los mexicanos para describirse, mismos que debes evitar…
La tecnología está cambiando la forma en que buscamos trabajo, así como las estrategias empleadas por las empresas para seleccionar personal. Muchos candidatos han dejado de utilizar el periódico para encontrar oportunidades. De acuerdo con la Asociación Mexicana de Internet (AMIPCI) la búsqueda de empleo es una de las 10 actividades más populares entre los…
So many of us have had the misfortune of taking the wrong job. It is one of the worst feelings in the world. You feel trapped and worried all the time. If you realize it very early, you stress about being labeled a “job hopper” if you realize it too late, you are stressed beyond…
Nowadays, it is hard to get a job. It’s even harder to get an interview, which is the first step in the hiring process. Related: Get The Interview: 5 Tips For Leaving A Great Voicemail If you’ve been job searching for any length of time and have not received many responses from your resume, following…
Leaders and followers are linked – you cannot have one without the other. Becoming an effective leader requires figuring out how to create a following and motivate them to produce for you. Related: How To Identify Who You Are As A Leader To do that, you first need to understand what makes a great leader…
Out of everyone in my group of college friends, I was the only one who still had the same job two years after graduation. Everyone else had changed jobs once, twice, or even three times. So, I felt somewhat smug—as if I knew something they didn’t. Related: 4 Steps To Break Your Job Hopping Habit It…
Let’s begin with the ideal scenario. Based on your own preparation, this is a position at an organization that you’d really like. And you’re very pleased with how the first interview went. Now, what about this second interview? Is it with the same person from Human Resources, or the same hiring manager, or is with…
First impressions are the lifeblood of a successful job search, so making a memorable one is a must. I hear from job seekers every single day who are overwhelmed with the resume-writing process and concerned that the resume they’ve written lacks impact and that ever-elusive WOW factor we all seem to be after. Related: 3…
Have you ever had the experience of sending out your resume EVERYWHERE, and getting no results? Related: 3 Signs You’re Sabotaging Your Job Search No emails. No callbacks. No interviews. It sucks, doesn’t it? I had that experience a few years back… And then a profound realization changed everything for me. I realized that… You’ve…
Tanto el Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) como el MBA tienen el potencial para impulsar tu carreras en servicios financieros. Hay pros y contras para cada uno, pero realmente puede alguno ayudar a impulsar tu carrera? El MBA es la ruta tradicional en un trabajo de la banca de inversión, sobre todo en los EE.UU., pero las oportunidades de trabajo…
El trabajo y la carrera profesional de las mujeres juegan un rol clave en la economía de América Latina. Entérate en OCCMundial de sus avances en el terreno laboral. Expresar que todos merecemos las mismas oportunidades sin importar nuestro sexo, no es algo nuevo. Las mujeres han sido –y serán– fuente de inspiración artística, de…
A pesar de una economía más fuerte, Barclays, HP y Microsoft recortan miles de puestos de trabajo; la compañías afirman que los despidos son para mejorar su desempeño.
La comunicación no verbal es crucial en nuestra interacción con los otros, no sólo es importante en la entrevista de trabajo, también al trabajar en equipo, hacer una presentación o dirigir personal. Te damos 10 tips para tu entrevista laboral. El lenguaje corporal asertivo NO es lo más importante en nuestro discurso, pero tiene la…
En esta eterna rueda que es la industria del liderazgo, lo último es volver a lo natural. Para la renovación de modelos y la generación de nuevos seminarios de desarrollo, se busca inspiración en la biología, la etología o la antropología. Bienvenidos al planeta de los simios Ya podemos empezar a revisar nuestros prejuicios hacia…
Job seekers, there is no doubt you are facing a very challenging time. Whether you have 20 years of experience or only a year, the pressure is on. But realize it is not impossible to find opportunities, despite our current economic standing. Related: Should Job Seekers Take A Vacation? You have to go the extra…
Uno, si se deja guiar por los artículos y declaraciones de grandes profesionales de recursos humanos y de empleo, tiene la percepción de que la búsqueda tradicional de candidatos está prácticamente desaparecida en las organizaciones y que ya está integrada la selección a través de las redes profesionales y diversas herramientas de la Web 2.0.…
A lo largo de nuestra vida es común que aceptemos algunas ideas sin cuestionarnos realmente qué es lo que las hace válidas. Escuchamos una afirmación, la vemos en distintos medios comunicativos, la repiten diversas personas de nuestro alrededor y un día terminamos por admitirla. ¿Y así, nada más? Pareciera que sí. De acuerdo con la…
Cuando estamos de buenas comprendemos mejor. No es un mito, creencia popular ni mensaje de libro de autoayuda: está respaldado por la ciencia.
¿Mujeres mandonas o líderes diferentes? La lenta progresión de mujeres hacia la alta dirección de las empresas no deja de generar debates y propuestas en los países occidentales. Mientras la Unión Europea se inclina hacia la imposición de cuotas de género en los Consejos de Administración, en el Reino Unido continúan con los buenos resultados de las medidas voluntarias, según el último informe…
La próxima vez que están encerrados en una negociación intensa, más si se trata de un salario, una venta de casa o un negocio, puede que no sea una mala idea hacer algunas amenazas sutiles o incluso abiertamente, la nueva investigación sugiere. Al negociar, es más probable conseguir lo que quiera con una amenaza que…
Conseguir una nueva oferta de trabajo o hacer un nuevo acuerdo de negocios es emocionante – pero la negociación? No tanto. El proceso de negociación puede ser estresante, y es fácil cometer errores, especialmente si usted no ha tenido mucha experiencia negociadora. Antes de que su próximo intento de negociación, asegúrese de ten cuidado con…